Download Free Common Core-Aligned Comprehension Toolkit Lessons

The Comprehension Toolkit was developed to support students as they become proficient readers and build knowledge across the content areas. The lessons throughout this resource align with the Common Core State Standards to support educators as they teach comprehension skills, critical thinking, text response, and more.

To download free lessons aligned with the Texas TEKS, click here.

To download free lessons aligned with the Florida BEST standards, click here.

Download these three free Common Core-aligned lessons to get started:

Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 3 Read, Write, and Talk

Read, Write, and Talk

In this lesson, students read an engaging text that leads to purposeful talk. They stop, think, and react as they read, annotating the text as they go.

Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 24 Read to Get the Gist

Read to Get the Gist

In this lesson, students learn to read for the gist and then respond with their own questions, connections, and inferences.

Comprehension Toolkit Lesson 19 Ask Questions to Read Critically

Ask Questions to Read Critically

In this lesson, students start by defining a problem in a high-interest article. They demonstrate their understanding by asking questions and discussing their thinking.

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